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Wild Butterfly is a dramatised documentary that explores childhood trauma and its relationship to ongoing mental health issues and drug use. It uncovers the hidden story behind a family’s tragic circumstances and opens our eyes to the impacts of social injustices and prejudices that could befall anyone.

The Untold Story

This film has had a very slow 9-year incubation – not least because it required painstaking research to put it together. Claire’s medical records were accessed through Freedom of Information. It took many years to obtain her school records. Writer/ Director Shireen Narayanan’s clinical background gave her an in-depth understanding of the information she uncovered. This informed the script.

All of Claire’s dialogue is drawn from her poetry, journal entries, comments recorded in psychiatric reports; as well as her parents’ statements about what Claire said to them. So, whilst there was very little video footage of Claire and family, the drama reconstructions are based on Claire’s real world.

The social media commentary as seen and heard in the film is based on real Online, Radio and TV social media commentary.



‘Wild Butterfly is artistically engaging, compelling, and devastating.

This film demonstrates the need for us to radically alter our thinking and our responses

 to people affected by trauma and alcohol and other drug problems.’


Professor Steve Allsop

Curtin University’s National Drug Research Institute

‘Utterly Compelling and Deeply Disturbing’
Kerry O’Brien, Award-Winning Journalist


Professor Patrick McGorry, AO
The National Centre of Excellence
in Youth Mental Health
